Saturday, December 27, 2008

Another Marble

This is a fantastic marble, and it's for sale on ebay

It's been to cold to blow glass the past week. Our hotshop is in a covered surrounded deck, so it's mostly fine -- protected from the rain, wind and can vent through a skylight when it gets too hot, but it doesn't protect enough when it gets really really cold.

Fortunately, it doesn't get that cold here but once or twice a year. We rarely even get snow. But this past week... Brrr... It's like being back in the midwest.

I don't do well in the cold. I don't have much of any blood pressure, so my temperature drops to about room temperature. When it's this cold, my hands freeze up and my muscles start to spasm. No fun!

Plus, while most of the hotshop is in the surrounded deck, the furnace (glory) is a bit outside of it. Still covered, but you have to get from there to inside the deck, and when it's this cold, the glass just skins up so darned fast!

It's warming up though, so we should be able to blow more in the next few days. I have these great marble techniques that I just started playing with, so I'm ready to get back out there and see what else I can do with them!


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Bank Bailout, Auto Bailout..What about an Artist Bailout?

I fully understand the reasoning behind the financial bailout and the auto bailout. I don't completely agree with them.

I think that the auto industry has had decades of being really poorly run and making on-the-crappy-side cars, with an emphasis on the huge SUVs that are suddenly unwanted. Other car companies have factories here in the states and they aren't asking for bailouts. Toyota and Nissan seem to be weathering the depression without whining for free money.

As for the financial bailout... If the big banks are getting tons of cash, why are they upping their fees and rates on all of us little guys? Bank of America, whom I quite dislike, recently raised my APR from a reasonable 9% to 21% for no readily apparent reason, and then they dropped my credit limit too. Of course, as soon as they dropped my credit limit, my debt to limit ratio was much higher, so that triggered another rate increase!!!!

Just like the restrictions on the auto makers, the banks should have had restrictions put on their windfalls too. Yes, there are new restrictions to take place the middle of 2010(!) now, and woohoooo, that'll help us alot, if we're not all homeless by then.

Whew... Thanks for letting me vent. I've been stewing on this for a loooong time.

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas,

Monday, December 22, 2008

My Cat Pees in the Toilet!

After getting out of my shower yesterday, I heard a strange watery tinkling sound. I looked around the corner and saw Dobby, my cream tabby with a curly tail, shown here:
was hopping off of the toilet. I went over and looked in and sure enough, the water was moving, pee colored and had some fresh bubbles in it!!

I didn't even train him to do it. Usually, I've heard of the little trays that you fill with litter and start training your cat to use that and then slowly take it away, but not Dobby. He just up and used it! And I've noticed colorations in the bowl before, with no clue where it came from, so I think he's been using it for a while! What a smart kitty!

Now if I could just teach him how to flush....

Merry Christmas,

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

We Got SNOW!!!!

We Got SNOW!!! Isn't the place beautiful?? It snows so rarely here, it's really great when it happens. It's only about once every two or three years and then it only lasts maybe a day. As I write this, the great snow of this morning is mostly all melted away now.

I come from Michigan and Indiana, so I'm no stranger to snow -- huge drifts, shoveling, scraping off windshields, getting my little bug stuck on the snow between the lanes carved out by much taller vehicles.... I don't miss that part of it, but I do miss being warm and snuggly, wrapped up with kittens and looking out on how pretty it is. I wish it was going to be here tonight so that I could see our pretty Christmas lights reflected in it.

The kittens do NOT like snow! Dobby was the first to try it. He gets cold easily and is mostly an inside house elf, so he was happy to come right back in. Larry, on the other hand, with his big Maine Coon paws, tried to make his way out, shaking his hands and feet after each step. Alas, crossing the deck was as far as he ventured and he too came back into the warm coziness.

And I'm making stew in my crock pot, so it's an extra warm cozy feeling in here today. Business may be down, we may be behind on bills, but this place is beautiful and our work is great, so it's got to turn around here soon.

Peace and Merry Christmas,

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Great Swirlies Marble

This small marble has some great stuff going on in it. I put on a general salmon color over the whole interior, but then I mixed on some deep ruby and let that swirl around the salmon. I then added small opal white frit over the ruby. While it was all hot and gooey, I grabbed sections of it and twisted and pulled. The colors wrapped around each other and the opal white thinned down to little bitty wispies! Very pretty.

After it was all swirled, I added another gather of hot glass over it and then gently rolled it in some more opal white to get a delicate smattering of little white dots over the exterior lower half.

Very nice technique. I would like to use this with some golds in with the ruby. I think that would look fantastic.


Sunday, December 07, 2008

Beauty in glass

Isn't this one just fantastic. The color swirls are amazing. And it was fun to make. I'm going to do a lot more of these types, cause.... wow.....


Thursday, December 04, 2008

An Amazing Marble

This marble is just fantastic. It's 1 3/4 inches across. The interior has this really cool shell thing going on, made out of a deep salmon color that swirls around and then spreads out and fades into the shell shape. Then the outside of the shell is coated with little tiny bubbles and then the whole thing is encased in glass.

The itty bitty bubbles make the interior shimmer like it's got all kinds of little lights going on inside. The exterior has small dots of red around the middle and then swirling down to the bottom.

The shell thing though is just fantastic. I keep looking at it for long periods of time, it's just so freaking ccol!!


Friday, November 28, 2008

A Great New Paperweight

This is the latest in our new line of paperweights. You can see in the larger pictures how the way BJ does the texturing of the color cradles little bubbles around the edges. It's a really cool effect. This one in particular really shows it off because of the pale colors. There are also three larger bubbles included in the top of the swirl, making all kinds of new and wonderful reflections. But I just can't get over the ripples and bubbles all lined up. That is just so cool!!

We were asked to make marbles for a friend of ours months ago. I really didn't want to do it. Most of our work is large in scale, and I like it that way. When I make little things, I just can't help but see them in a larger collection rather than just on their own.

This project has given me the chance to make the smaller pieces and just let them be art on their own. It's a real refresher to me to be able to let go. The larger collections I do often seem to get too overworked -- too much stuff in them. Letting these little gems BE just as they are is quite exciting. They ARE beautiful, just as they are, and in finally being able to see and accept that, it has opened up a lot of other avenues for my art where I was forcing too much onto the plates.

And so I thank my good friend, Jon Ramer, for forcing me into this.

Yes, this one is for sale on ebay - Ebay #250333904723


Monday, November 24, 2008

First Alien Brain

This is a fantastic paperweight. It's 2 7/16", with swirls of light blue and cranberry. The patterned colors resemble ripples and waves.

BJ is the main artist on these bigger pieces. He developed a very fun technique of making a stalk for the piece to sit up on. With the stalk and the swirls of ripples, they look like Alien Brains. We'll be posting this one to ebay with more photos.


Saturday, November 22, 2008

New Paperweight

Isn't she a beauty? 2 5/8" paperweight. Swirls of brilliant colors wrap up to a flower like point encasing a bubble. You can see layers of color with ripples of intensity going through the ball with wisps of the clouds wrapping around the outside.

I'll get the photo of it on the lightstand soon, and then post that too. It's just doggone GORGEOUS on a lightstand, and pretty enough on it's own in the sunlight.

We recently got a commission to make a set of marbles and in doing so, BJ went wild and started making these much larger paperweights. We had a very great time creating these, and most of them turned out magnificent. Of course, some of them got a little mutant shaped -- there's just no fighting hot glass when it wants to go a different way!

We'll be posting them on a new website soon for sale, and also offering them on ebay. This one will be $175. Mention you saw it here and get a discount.

Now that it's dark, I'm going back to the photography and get the lightstand version of this! WooHooOOooo!!!


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The USGIF Lifetime Achievement Award

This is the Lifetime Achievement Award that was awarded to Evan Hineman at the latest GeoSpatial Intelligence Conference in Nashville last week.

It stands about 16 inches tall. The Earth and the base are both molded glass that has a graceful curve to it. The base glass also has the USGIF logo and the award title and recipient's name etched into it. The spire is a blown glass piece of clear crystal that is then cut and polished to fit both the Earth chord and into the base. It's a very delicate piece that emulates the USGIF logo of orbit lines looking down onto the Earth.

Very pretty.

Unfortunately, they tell me that AFTER the conference, the hotel repacked the piece to ship to Mr. Hineman and didn't do such a good job... sigh...


Wednesday, November 05, 2008

More USGIF awards

BJ says that the straight on shot doesn't show enough of the detail, so I've added these two as well. You can see the cloud patterns on the earths better, and also the shape of the cradle itself.

Aren't they beautiful? I just love 'em.


Saturday, November 01, 2008

USGIF Glass Achievement Awards

Aren't these so cute?? These are the Achievement awards being given out at this year's GeoSpatial Intelligence Symposium in Nashville. We make five of these beauties for them each year. They represent a type of cradle or hand holding an Earth that floats above the piece.

Each Earth is about 2.5 inches wide, complete with cloud patterns and north and south poles, blown glass. The cradles are blown and fused glass about the size of your hand. Not my hand, 'cause I have tiny hands, but about 7 inches long by about 4-5 inches wide. They are curved to hold the Earth and are formed so that they stand by themselves. Once the Earth gets attached, the center of gravity from the heavy Earth sticking out in front is enough to make sure the pieces stand.

We also make the Lifetime Achievement Award for the conference, but that's for another post.


Saturday, October 11, 2008

New store for Kitty lovers

The above beautiful card is produced by an artist friend of mine, Lynette Cook. She has been an angel to volunteer with a local animal shelter, taking care of, and also adopting, needful kitties. I don't know how she does it. I love them so much that I would bring them all home with me, so I have to stay away. To be able to give her time and love to them is so kind and caring.

She recently opened the above store and sells a number of cards of her kitty artworks. Buying cards will donate to the shelter and help the animals there. So buy a bunch! They'd make very special Christmas cards.


Monday, October 06, 2008

Beautiful Violin available

Isn't she a beauty? I love this violin, and have played it for years. It has a sweet, soft tone, not the loud, edgy type, and is in fabulous shape. See more pictures here:
I hate to sell he
r, but I don't play her anymore, and someone should. I recently inherited my great-great grandfather's violin, so I have taken to playing that one instead.

This beautiful full sized violin comes with a nice bow and a really cool case. It was made in the 40's. I have been playing this sweet instrument for years. The quality of this violin is excellent, and the tone rich and wonderful.

The wood is dark and beautiful with a very pretty back. The bow is in good condition and the case is a cool leather look, like alligator. This is an excellent value. I will include the chinrest and shoulder rest and rosin.

This is a beautiful gem that will brighten your home as much as it has mine.

Antonius Stradivarius Cremonensis
Faciebat Anno 1731
, which means it's a Strad copy, based on a 1731 piece.

Write me if you're interested. She really is quite beautiful.


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

You know what I hate....

I hate being a Ma'am. I went shopping today - just groceries and kitty food, but I got "Ma'am"ed about 14 times. 6 times just by one guy giving me a refund for an overcharge. I felt like correcting him -- "Miss, thank you" but I didn't. I should have.

Once or twice is easy enough to overlook, but geez... when every third word is "Ma'am", it gets a bit much.

Why do I hate it? well, heck, I don't know... It just makes me feel like I'm 90. Yeah, I'm in my xx's, but I look pretty young for my age. No wrinkles, no grey hairs (ok, a couple, but not really visible....), and I'm in pretty good shape. At what age do you make the transformation from "Miss" to "Ma'am" and if they're going to call you that, they should have to confirm it with ID. It's like reverse carding. Ma'am Carding.

Anyways, back to making beautiful things.


Friday, September 26, 2008

Fire Sale!!!

We're back and we're thankful. To recover and get us back into the Good Swing of Creating Art, there's only one thing to do... Fire Sale! Anything you order through any of our websites will get a 13% discount - and there's tons of new stuff up there! and all the sites listed there, and also and any of the artists listed there as well.

Here's your special discount code to enter into the cart when you place your order: 451F

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I love these bowls....

....says Mo!

I've been working on a new series of glass art. I started out making them to use as sinks, or maybe art bowls, but when I set one down, one of my kittens jumped right in and took over. We figured it was "The New Box" syndrome, where a new cardboard box is the greatest toy every created in the history of the world (next to an empty paper sack...), but they kept using them and liking the new bowls that I made.

I always figured cats would like soft comfy beds, but they really go crazy for these. I even tried to make them more soft by putting a pillow or towel in them, but the kitties would come up, reach in, pull the pillow out and then climb in and take a nap. It was really bizarre to see this happen again and again, but eventually, I got the idea.

So I've now created a website for them:

So far, just the testimonials page is up, but it shows a lot of the bowls there, and more will be added soon.

Let me know what you think of them!


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Painting A Day #3

Isn't she beautiful? This is a portrait of my cat Shadow getting sleepy for a nap. You can see the comfort and love in her eyes.

This is a new series of small watercolor paintings I'm working on. With the economic downturn, I'm looking at expanding my horizons and have always wanted to do watercolor paintings. These smaller paintings can be squeezed into little chunks of time I have between the bigger art pieces when they're drying or casting or whatever. I tend to get a half hour here or there - not enough to really get started on another section of the big sculptures, but just right for these, and much better than watching TV or playing a video game (although Oblivion is a lot of fun...).

This new portrait is available:
for a really low price, for an original painting from such a famous artist! I'll even personalize it for you!

Would you like a portrait of your own pussycat or puppy?


Monday, September 22, 2008

A Painting A Day

Another little gem for sale.

These little paintings are so much fun to make. They're reverse painted on glass, which means that I have to work backwards -- painting the details first, like the stars and clouds and then working my way back to the final background black coat. It's opposite the traditional way of painting on canvas, where the artist puts down the background first and then works toward the details in the forefront.

It's just a different way to do it, but what I really like about painting on glass is that the colors really shine and glow. The glass acts as a nice prism, and since there is no air between the paint and the glass, the colors are able to be as brilliant as possible.

This comes on it's own stand, so it can stand up on your desk or on a shelf. A window into another world.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

A new painting for sale!

It's an original miniature painting, reverse painted on glass. It shows a water planet surrounded by dark nebula. It's about 8 3/4" wide by 3" tall and is for sale!

Reverse painting on glass is an extremely old technique, but only a few people practice it anymore. I find that the colors are richer and deeper when reverse painted, making the piece really glow and shine. This one comes with it's own little wooden stand, so it can stand up on a desk or shelf. It is not stained glass, is not transparent to hang in a window. It's a solid painting, like oil or watercolor, just on the backside of glass instead of on canvas.

These little paintings are called "Portals." I'm doing a whole series of different portals into other worlds. It's a beautiful little gem that you would just love to own!!


Saturday, September 20, 2008

The supercollider is down for maintenance

And so goes the whole dynamic of the developmental process. You can never say for sure when the thing will be done. You'd think people who are in the business of education and science would understand this concept, but they don't seem to... or at least the ones who hire us don't seem to.

When we first got approached by the group that wanted the orrery, they were looking at one of our mobiles - a free flowing model of the solar system. No motors, no electonics, no precision regarding dates. The planets could swing clockwise or counter, depending on the breeze. You could reach up and bump one and change it's dynamic. They looked at it, loved it and asked "Can you build an orrery?"

We knew we could, so we said "You Bet!", told them it would be developmental and therefore only have an "estimated" delivery date. And how they've complained! Compared us to the contractors that *CAN* set delivery dates - cause they've built however many buildings before, like eight million contractors before them. They are not dealing with developmental. It ain't "off the shelf." You can't go to K-Orrery and pick one up. Wal-morrery is all out of 'em.

The supercollider can't possibly have a "deliver by" date. The first of anything complex can't. It's the nature of it.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Doesn't get any cuter...

I've had a rough summer. First a huge contract got "deferred." We had already bought supplies and equipment in order to make their fast completion date. They say don't count your chickens, but this chicken had been laid, hatched, and had a pretty significant foundation of feathers... The economy hit the client hard, so the client hit us hard. ouch.

Then we had the awful fires. I had never seen anything like that -- fire covering 120 degrees of the horizon. It was frightening, smoky, awful. I hope I never see that again, but the doomsayers around here say it happens every so many years... I hope they're wrong.

What the worst part was, was that the fear, anxiety, smoke level and "preparedness to evacuate" level completely put our studio at a dead stop. I tried to keep the projects going a little every day, but mostly, it was impossible. Having eight fire engine crews driving up and down and visiting while an enormous fire is raging makes it nigh-on impossible to charge up 2000 degree kilns and have hot furnaces running. They just don't like that. Go figure.

My dad has been having heart issues. He's had some minor strokes, but recently went in for what appeared to be a heart attack. He had an angioplasty and they say he's in good shape, but his pulse is erratic. It's very hard to get into an artistic mode when worry sets in and family calls with updates.

So I've been getting lots of snuggletime. Larry is the cutie above. He's a mainecoon kitten and just adorable. Doesn't get any better than having a purring kitten on your lap.


Thursday, August 28, 2008

Is this cool or WHAT?

This is the table top for the orrery that we're building. An orrery is one of those old fashioned models of the solar system with all the planets on arms above a table. You've probably seen one in an old museum or library. No one in the world seems to make them anymore, except us!!!

So this is the table top for ours. Each piece is about 3 feet long by about 18 inches wide on the outside. They're about 1/2 inch thick, and I MADE each and every one! Isn't that cool??? We looked into purchasing a 6 foot glass table and having it cut into 12 pieces, but the price was outrageous!! And the glass in those tables is flat and greenish and just well... plain ugly. So after a few days of stewing over what to do, I said, well, why don't I just cast them and make them however we want? YAYYYY!! And they've come out gorgeous!

Why 12 pieces? Easier to handle than one 6 foot round tabletop, I can get them into my sandblasting cabinet, and it allows for a decorative edging between the pieces.

But why 12? An orrery shows the paths of the planets through constellations, which are symbols in the zodiac, of which there are 12! So each glass panel will have a gorgeous zodiac image and a little information etched into the underside, where you see just blank glass, not the blue stuff toward the center.

What is the blue stuff? It's blue glass cast into the glass plates. Actually, there's also red and yellow. That section of the table will be installed over a dark aluminum baseplate, so it will be darker than the outside. The swirly colors are meant to depict nebula, stars and such.


Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Standard Job

Sometimes, I really miss the standard job. I feel like crap today. If I had a regular job, I could declare Sunday a day of rest and vegetate, watch movies, play videos, nap with my kittens.... But I don't have a standard job. My job is with me all the time - weeks, weekends, day, night... Most of the time I don't mind it - love it in fact. But today... bleh. I was going to do some finishing work on the base cabinet of the 6 foot wide orrery above. I have all the pieces cut and trimmed. Some are already stained, but need to be varnished. It's hot outside though, so I can't do that. The instructions say not to apply it if it's over 90 degrees. So I move on to the next items.

I have gotten some good work done today - more stuff on my website, research. I can't beleive I've let my website sit there for four years with nothing new on it!!! I'm ashamed!!! But I've been making up for it. 28 new art pieces up there so far. I haven't coded the sales pages for them yet, but that's coming along. I have all those coded for the older pieces so far and getting into the newer pieces now.

But I sure would like to go take a nap with one of my kittens..... 20 minutes couldnt' hurt....right????


Friday, August 22, 2008

Website building is not my thing

Well, I have been pestered by my brother to get our new artwork up on our sites. It is not one of our favorite tasks - website building, so it gets delayed and delayed. I have spent most of the past four days though going through my art and building a new gallery page.

At first, I thought "OK, it shouldn't really take that long, cause I don't really have a lot of new stuff." Then I went through the files and found 28 new pieces - and that's just what I have pictures of. I have a lot of glass work that is sitting here, not photographed yet for one reason or another (mostly because I haven't finished polishing them or whatever).

28 pieces! wow! Well then! Maybe I should figure out how to use this wonderful website editor I have - Visual Studio. It's supposed to do a great job and make everything easier. OK, so THAT took a couple of days to learn. Just today, I finally figured out how to make the images actually GO somewhere. sigh....

I still have to add many of them to the "Prints" section, and some of the larger stuff willhave/has it's own website -- like the bowl above! I have made a number of large bowls lately. They were going to be a series of solar system objects and cast into large bowls to use as sinks. Great idea! So I started working on that. I got the above Earth Sink cast and was going to do a little handpolishing on it. I set it down on the floor for less than three seconds and one of my cats jumped in, layed down and was so happy!!

We thought "OK, it's a fluke - the New Box syndrome" It could just as easily have been a free paper bag, right? No!! Cats just LOVE these bowls. They play in them, sleep in them, fight over who gets to be in them, trade out when a new bowl comes in... They absolutely LOVE them. Who knew??? So, my plan to make sinks turned into something I have a greater passion for - making my (and others') cats happy.

Now I am making a series of bowls in various colors, using an amazing technique that I developed that I haven't ever seen anywhere else. It makes the bowls looks like they're bursting with flowers. Very cool. The cats seem to favor some colors over others, so I'm playing with different color schemes and designs.

And I have about 8 bowls made, and need to take photos of them for the new site - - it isn't up yet, but it'll be soon!

But not tonight! I'm exhausted!!


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Cool New Toys

The really cool thing about getting new art projects is that I usually get to learn something new. We're working on building an Orrery currently. An orrery is one of those old fashioned solar system models that you used to find in old museums and libraries. Nobody seems to make them anymore.

When we talked with the college that wanted one, we said "How hard can it be?", so we took the job. It has turned out to be Very Hard, but certainly worth it, and will come out beautiful when we're done.

For building the base, I got to get me a brand new toy! The base is solid cherry wood with 8 posts around it. I looked into buying the posts or having a woodworker make them for me, but what they were going to charge was outrageous. As is usually the case, we look at the cost of getting the work done versus the cost of us getting the equipment, doing it ourselves and then having the equipment in the future. Almost every time, getting the equipment wins out. We get new capability, learn a new trade and the pieces come out exactly as we want them to, rather than someones "Good Enough" (which usually isn't...).

So I got to get me a brand new lathe to make these posts. It took me a day to set up and practice, and then I was going full tilt! Very fun. Very calming too. Sure is messy though, but it's outside, so I don't breathe in too much of it. Besides, a good coating of sawdust lets you know you did good work that day.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Am I a "Space Artist"?

I think many "space" artists immediately narrow their own market and success by adhering to that title. We're artists - first and foremost. Let the gallery of works show that we can focus into space related things, but we can broaden our scope, and therefore our market, into numerous other paths.

Clients tend to immediately classify and pidgeonhole - why help them? If you state that you're a "space artist", chances are you are immediately overlooked for multiple other jobs that you could do wonderful work on. Even with the multitude of abilities we possess, we see this pidgeonholing on us time and time again. it's infuriating. Now that we've seen it so many times, we recognize it when it starts and immediately try to deflect it. Doing this has gotten us jobs as building designers, park sculpture design and production, environmental work, performance work, voiceover jobs, abstract sculptural works, woodcarving, fantasy, landscape, writing, webdesign, portraiture, engineering, etc.

Yes, maybe other artists don't have the range of capabilities that BJ and I have, but I bet most of them can do more than just only "space"

Monday, August 18, 2008

Fire's Over, but not out

Well, after more than40 days looking at the thick smoke and breathing the ash, the skies have finally cleared. I'm able to go back out without a respirator on and actually do some work! Our projects are so so far behind, it's ridiculous, but we've been working very hard on them to catch up. Here is a photo taken from our deck. Scary, eh?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Fire Line

Just went out onto the south porch to see if I could see the front through the smoke. The closest section, on Uncle Sam, is in places half way down the portion that we can see over the top of Elephant Mountain. This isn't much of a change from its position on the 6th (Sunday evening). When the fire is backing down the hill, it moves a lot slower. Advancing up the hill is another story. It feeds on the fuel that is being heated in front of and above it and it is supplied with an unobstructed flow of air from below; a perfect scenario, so it moves very rapidly. This is one reason why we are so concerned.
The ridge line to the NW from there and a short ways to the SE is all ablaze, subtending an angle of 45 degrees. I was taken aback when I first saw it. Each time I go out, I am hoping that somehow it is going to be better. Never is. At times, an entire tree will burst into flames, shooting them hundreds of feet into the air like rock concert pyrotechnics, although it's not fun to see.
A separate section farther to the SE at nearly that angle is still on the other side of the ridge but is very bright, lighting the clouds for quite a distance from the site. Seeing nearly 90 degrees of fire is not a happy feeling because you know you are at the middle of it.

I feel so sorry for all of those life forms out there who cannot move to get away. At least this has happened at a time of year when young animals and birds have grown enough to be able to flee and not perish. Those species who are able to move but not move quickly enough are not so fortunate. I can't bear to watch for very long. I feel for them all, deeply.
One of the endangered California Condors that was missing was located and is in fine shape. We expect to see increased wildlife populations here as the fire progresses in our direction. This will of course mean more, Foxes, Bobcats and Mountain Lions, so we have to be a little more careful. If they are pressed for food, they do come around here. Pressed for territory and food, we'll have new neighbors for a while. Bird population is already up; different species, too. We ran out of bird seed today filling the feeder. Tomorrow's trip into town to get the needed parts will include a stop to get another 40 lb. bag of seed and more suet.

This thread -IS- space related after all, though I'll leave the title as it is. I made an analysis with the topo map tonight and our fire hose will reach from our tanks on the NE corner of the property up to the observatory that sits ESE from us, so we can defend it as well. (I KNEW I wanted the tanks over there for some good reason. Didn't really dawn on me until tonight--even having thought about clearing around it. I'm so stressed.)
There's a hydrant up there but, as I said earlier, it's little more than a wishful thought when this many chips are down. We'll have to re-configure to get that far. One 300' section won't quite make it. This will mean a lot of running, dragging a 1.5" 400' single jacket fire hose full of water up that hill. I don't know if we could even pull it full of water. It'll take more time but we may have to drain it on something useful and pressurize once we're up there. Either that or find something that will hold that volume temporarily. I'd hate to waste our resource. If you need one more gallon and you don't have it.... We may opt to get another 4 sections, if only to save our bodies and time.
I'd like to find a Y fire fitting. Then we could use all 600' -- 400' up the hill and two 100' sections off that to get around both sides. Each hose will have less pressure when they are both running but we can cover a greater area. If one of us needs more distance, we can shut the other off temporarily and get the pressure back.
If the fire happens to advance first up our section of the property that is out in front of the dome and we can defend the observatory, it will make our job of defending the studio easier. We'll see how the finances are after we're set.
Hmmm, I had better go over there tomorrow and see if the louvered ventilation windows are closed. Wouldn't be good to defend on the ground, only to have airborne brands fly in through the vents.

Gotta run as many scenarios as you can--while you can--in relative calm, so you will be less surprised when it all goes south in a way that you didn't think of.

Time to try to get some rest. Temp at this hour is still 87 degrees. At this altitude under these conditions it doesn't drop much like it does in the valley. The fire loves it. Tomorrow will be another 100+ day; the last for a while, thankfully. We can get through the day by looking forward to a 68 degree night. Should trickle down to 88/55 by Sunday and the relative humidity is creeping back up out of single digits. Yaaay. That will slow the fire down... if it isn't going up another mountainside by then. Timing is everything.