Tuesday, September 30, 2008

You know what I hate....

I hate being a Ma'am. I went shopping today - just groceries and kitty food, but I got "Ma'am"ed about 14 times. 6 times just by one guy giving me a refund for an overcharge. I felt like correcting him -- "Miss, thank you" but I didn't. I should have.

Once or twice is easy enough to overlook, but geez... when every third word is "Ma'am", it gets a bit much.

Why do I hate it? well, heck, I don't know... It just makes me feel like I'm 90. Yeah, I'm in my xx's, but I look pretty young for my age. No wrinkles, no grey hairs (ok, a couple, but not really visible....), and I'm in pretty good shape. At what age do you make the transformation from "Miss" to "Ma'am" and if they're going to call you that, they should have to confirm it with ID. It's like reverse carding. Ma'am Carding.

Anyways, back to making beautiful things.


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